Friday, September 22, 2006

I Want my Mtv!!!!!!!

Response to ADITLOVG (try to say that one....) has been great. Actaully, better then great. Not only have people found it to be a bit informative and good for a chuckle, some would even call it newsworthy. Mtv news worthy. Hunter and I scored an interview with Stephen Totilo, and you can check it out here. It was a fun time from the initial contact (which was a huge shock to me) all the way up until the final posting. Thanks to everyone out there who has been supporting the site! And if you are enjoying what you read, be sure to drop a comment, we like to hear from people.


Brandon S. said...

I am thinking about getting a job at a local EB Games and was curious, is it worth it? God I love games but people can drive me nuts. Especially when they have NO clue what they are talking about. Yes I understand that part of the job is being able to read minds when someone comes walking in asking what the name of that one game is that has that guy that shoots stuff, but sometimes it seems a bit too much. On the reverse there is my never ending undying love for video games. So... is it worth it?

Anonymous said...

My advice is this: I see tons of people who enjoy playing games and right away they want to work retail, figuring this is the most accessable aspect of the "gaming industry". Many of the kids coming in buying games ask for applications to work here because of this.

But here's the kicker - you really don't need to know games, you need to know people. 80% of the job is customer relations, and the other 20% is gaming knowledge. So Zoo, you need to ask yourself if you have the patience to deal with people: sales, quick thinking, problem solving, irate customers, and also just being social.

Having said that, YES I find it worth it, I actually look forward to the days I work, and if you've been reading the blog you can see it's not only a frustrating trip I've been on, but also very funny and entertaining. But then again it also depends on who you work with too.......maybe not every store generates as many stories as of luck in your decision!

Hunter said...

I think the better question is are you really do deal with the people who aren't going to be able to get their beloved PS3s. =D

But, i agree...if you love games..go for it..just get out when it starts to turn sour..and always look for something else...while you'll enjoy talking games to the gets old..and least to me...the first few months were amazing....but just make it a stop in your life..and dont get to deep in it...